Main Info
Monduli Juu is situated 50 Km north west of Arusha on the road to the National Parks of Ngorongoro and Serengeti. The Monduli Mountains together with Monduli town lie on the right hand side if you are heading to these parks. Monduli is the capital of Monduli district and is a town where you’ll have to pass when you are going to Monduli Juu. The name ‘Monduli’ originates from a place in Monduli Juu where a wealthy Maasai ancestor called ‘Monduli’ used to live in former German colonial times.
Monduli Juu is a cluster of four small Maasai villages namely Emairete, Enguiki, Eluwai and Mfereji. Emairete consists of a wonderful crater where, in former times, the cattle of only medicine men were supposed to graze. Enguiki village is named after its famous pastures. Eluwai is a village called after the trees where certain small ants have their habitat and that are whistling in the wind. Mfereji is a village down the escarpment that, a long time ago, develop from a place where a South African lived who pulled a ditch down to bring water from the Monduli Mountains.
This is what you can experience on this walking tour:
A climbing trip through the evergreen rain forest where you’ll experience the trees, the birds and other animals of that habitat.m A medical trip where you’ll feel and smell different medicinal herbs and visit a traditional Maasai herbs doctor.
A warm welcome in Naramatu: a small ‘factory’ where Maasai jewels.
Traditional’nyama choma’ with our Maasai warriors in ‘Orpul’ where you’ll cut the meat yourself. A rest at astoninshing panorama’s overlooking the Rift valley, Oldonyo Lengai, Lake Natron. The story of the secret cultural differences between Maasai and waarusha.
Walking and Climbing Tours
There are tours available for half day, a full day, 2,3 and 4 days and they are classified hereunder.
The tour starts at Mfereji village, a 45 minutees drive from Naramatu starting point, from where you visit Maasai boma. From there you walk through typical tree savanna to the foot of the escarpment. Climbing the’Kona Saba’ (Seven corners) escarpment is not difficult if you wear good walking shoes. From the escarpment you can oversee the wonderful panorama from rift valley, over Kitumbeine, Longido up to Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru and Mount Lengai. Arrival at the Norkuman campsite, from where you will be picked up by car ( a 20 minutes drive from Naramatu starting point.)
Starting point is the ex-Eye hospital in Enguiki at the edge of the forest from where you walk to Kilele, the eastern peak in the Monduli Mountains. On the way you will get acquinted to specific tree (e.g. Fig tree…), bird and animal species (e.g. Bushbuck, weavers, elephants, black monkey…). You proceed to a water source in the middle of the forest and continue up to Enuiki Primary School and dispensary from where you can be picked up at Bismarck’s place ( a 15 minutes drive from Naramatu starting point.)
The tour starts the Emairete dam from where you walk passing the Maasai church, the Primary School, Kindergarten project up to Naramatu, where you can get herbal tea. Going further up the mountain to the ex-Eye Hospital from where you can admire the wonderful Monduli Juu Panorama. After lunch in a Maasai boma the tour leads near the forest to Enguiki Primary School from where can be picked up at Bismarck’s place ( a 15 minutes drive from Naramatu starting point). Along the road the guide will explain about the different medicinal herbs used by the Maasai and you will visit a traditional medicinal herbs doctor.
Esserian Maasai Camp at Ilmorijo is a fairly well equipped campsite with panorama on the Rift Valley, Mount Keremasi, Oldonyo Lengai and Lake Natron. From here th first day you will descend to the wonderful Sominem dam site. You will visit a Maasai boma and ‘Orpul’, a traditional Maasai meat camp. Overnight in esserian Maasai camp. The second day is a day walk to Olkaray, the red clay the Maasai use to color the face and hair, from where you have to be picked up by car.
The first day is similar to the above, visit the Sominem dam site and overnight at Esserian Maasai camp site. The second day the walk via O’Liyamei Valley, /Sokoine dam and dipping tank, is challenging and beautiful. Overnight at Naramatu amp. The third day the trip goes to Enguiki over the ex-Eye Hospital and Monduli forest. Arrival at Bismarck’s place ( a 15 minutes drive from Naramatu starting point).
Basic camp for the 3 nights is Norkuman ‘Hill of the Clubs’ in Enguiki village. The first day you visit the famous water hole and you check the extensive panorama from the escarpment ‘Kona Saba’ where you can see Mount Longido, Kilimanjaro, Meru and Kitumbeine. In the evening a Maasai elder will tell a wonderful story for those who want. The second day you go down to Mfereji ad visit a Maasai Boma (See ‘A’ tour) ans come back to Norkuman. The third day you visit Enguiki village with its Primary school, Dispensary and Monduli forest. Overnight at Jackson Camp. The last day you pay a visit to Emairete village with its ex-Eye Hospital, Primary School, Dispensary and the kindergarten project. After lunch in Naramatu your driver can pick you up.
We are happy to arrange a customized adapted tour to satisfy your preferences if you wish to focus on certain aspects. For those interested in climbing it is possible to climb Komoloniki or Tarosero mountain. On Saturdays you can improve your stay by enjoying the colorful Maasai market at Emairete |
In Monduli Juu there are 4 local families who can offer camping sites. Three of them have basic standards and no running water. The Esserian Maasai Camp site is fairly good equipped and has running water when orderer in time. All have dip toilets and fire wood.
Meals are prepared in clean conditions by local families. The women can make various traditional African meals but can serve western food as well according to taste.
GuidesTaking into consideration that all our guides are Maasai, they speak reasonable English. They are familiar with the area and can tell you many stories about history and daily life of the Maasai and Waarusha people. Our guides wear an identity card of the Cultural tourism Programme. Recommended EquipmentGood walking shoes, sun cap, sun cream and drinking water. Optional binoculars if interested in bird life. If you want to sleep over you’ll need camping equipment, anti malaria pills and torch. Responsible tourismNature is precious. Villagers are asking visitors to leave as few litter as possible on their journey. It is advised that women avoid wearing shots along with shirts which expose the midsection. |